The Dumps.

IMG_2783Today was a rough day, and although nothing tragic happened my emotions subside to a case of the dumps.

It feels just that.


Like… when you have something that no longer is of use to you and you throw it away not thinking twice of the value it may hold.

I did this when I was de-hoarding one day. Instead of putting it aside in a nice DONATION pile.

I threw frames, sunglasses, and other knickknacks into a potential landfill.

I wasn’t dumped on or dumped out today but I witnessed a lot of dumping going on around me.

I felt those frames and sunglasses yelling from the bottom of the garbage bag saying, “SAVE ME, I can still beautifully display a stilled memory or improve someone’s sight.”

Instead, their worth was disregarded and they lie abandoned somewhere.

This isn’t a costly value or a gain worthwhile that i’m talking about. I’m talking about seeing beyond self and your own clutter that people are worth more than you know and ESPECIALLY worth more than they think.

They shouldn’t feel dumpy and we shouldn’t let them.


Up in the Dumps

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